Designed by Shahrukh Mistry – founding member of Indian Green Building Council
WaterWoods declared the most ‘noteworthy project’ award of 2017 at the Construction World Architect and Builder Awards (CWAB)
CWAB deemed WaterWoods as Sustainable, Energy and Water efficient with the use of innovative materials and state of the art amenities setting an aesthetic and resourceful benchmark in the Green Building Hospitality industry
WaterWoods has its own organic farm that serves fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs to guests
Guests are taken on a tour of our Fruit Orchard, Green House and Outdoor Gardens
25% of our staff are engaged in nurturing our plants, vegetables, trees and flowers
Organic Dairy from Free Ranging Grass Fed Cows will be ready to serve our guests soon
Social Inclusiveness, Employment & Education
90% of our staff are from local communities
Expanded workforce threefold in last 6 years
Increased wages by 35% on average in past 6 years
Provided technology based education to 800 kids across 7 schools (partner Meghshala)
Installed solar lighting equipment across 8 local schools (partner WWF)
Conducted Education for Sustainable Development workshops for local schools (partner WWF)
Sponsor wildlife safaris for local children every year
Environmental Protection & Climate Change
Raised funds to install solar water pumps in the forest to provide wildlife with drinking water during summer months and drought years(partner WWF)
Provided timely assistance to fight forest fires by providing manpower and water tankers to the Karnataka Forest Department
Financed state forest department’s anti-poaching efforts for past 16 years
Planted over 3000 indigenous Trees at WaterWoods and Kabini
Reduced biotic pressures on forest and wildlife by providing alternate employment to farmers